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Conversion tracking via Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics

Tracking via Google Tag Manager

To optimise, you have to measure well.

Conversions squared, cristina hernando

Squared conversions!

Google Ads conversion tracking via Google Tag Manager

I haven't analysed your Google Ads account yet and I can already tell you that you're missing some, if not all, of the conversions. To optimise well, you need to measure well.


Not only do I set up the monitoring of every single signal of interest for the development of your business, I also do it quickly and without disturbing your developers .


Save time and money

Speed and efficiency

When you delegate the implementation of ad tracking codes to your developers you are burdening them with non-value added tasks, you are also losing money.


On average, developers take two weeks to implement a conversion tracking code. Their priority is to fix bugs in the system or to implement changes for the business. And this is normal!


Meanwhile, the money you invest in Google Ads is... garbage! 

Save time and money
The essentials in Google Analytics

The essentials in Google Analytics

Creation of conversion targets and data analysis

Deciding which objectives are important for the development of your business has never been a pleasant task for us marketers.


I audit the data available in Google Analytics and help you to set up high value-added objectives: macro and micro conversions.


We will identify how to make your site a real profit centre, a 24/7 salesman, without spending your days there.